Sunday, March 16, 2008

Northeast Switzerland and more relatives

Northeast Switzerland near Lake Constanz/Bodensee. Some beautiful houses in that area, even if there are no mountains.

We visited Martin's family from his mom's side today around lunchtime. Excellent food, as nearly always (first a salad with greens and avocado and really good dressing, followed by risotto and sauteed meat in creamy mushroom sauce, and finally a nutty cake). I sometimes wonder whether Martin just thinks to himself "let's see where we can get lunch this time". We met there an aunt and uncle with their three (adult) kids, then later another aunt and uncle whose kids we met several months ago when I cut my own hair....

Martin's cousin and uncle:
(it is great when I can claim that I don't understand what he is saying - he did not want to have his picture taken, though he was standing just fine next to his daughter without trying to escape. So I don't think he minded that much)
(and - above their heads are the beams from the original house. They renovated it some twenty years ago or so. In the wall by the window, they found some newspaper fragments that were stuffed there. That newspaper is from 1865. It mentions the american civil war in one article visible on that fragment. Talking of history. Now they have it framed in the entryway.)

Martin's aunt and their cat Momo. Sonja loved the cat. The cat let Sonja play with her for a looong time before getting tired of it. Sonja, Emily and Baby are near the couch. Baby is fine even after yesterday's frightful episode, and did not mind travelling again.

Martin's cousins:

Martin's other aunt and uncle.

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