Pfew, what a day it has been. Yesterday I had some sort of stomach bug, so I came home early to get some sleep. Then later got the girls, and went to sleep with them, taking some cold medicine to help me sleep. By 3am when Sonja started crying, I realized it was a bit dark in our house. Normally, there are some nightlights around, the alarm clock shows time, and the oil monitors have the temperature settings showing. All was dark. And quiet. Some fifteen minutes later when I could no longer sleep, I decided to call the local electric company. No known outages in my area, I was told, and asked to check the main power breaker. So off I went to take a hike. Flipping that main breaker outside did nothing, so I called them again, and they said they will send a crew over. Only some time later did I think that I could have waited until the morning - with the temperatures we've been having, reaching 66? F yesterday, and 40s or 30s at night, the house doesn't cool down as quickly as during the middle of the winter, and so it doesn't really matter that much if the heaters are running or not. Anyways, I figured by that time whoever was called was on their way. An hour later I got woken up by a strong knock on the door. The crew apparently went all over the place and couldn't find the meter. So I went with them. The problem ended up a fried squirrel - just like five years ago this time of the year, a squirrel electrocuted itself on our powerpole. I don't know what squirrels are doing up there, we have plenty of trees around to climb up. Anyways, the crew got the problem fixed, and by 5am we had power again. And one of the guys said that he is getting the rest of the day off, so that I shouldn't feel bad of getting him out of bed at 3am. Good for him. I won't.
It was as the crew were replacing the fuse high up on the pole that I heard the first bugs of the season. Here they come. Just as the snow is almost entirely gone.
Talking of the disappearing snow - this year we had so little snow, that we didn't even have a problem getting to our house this spring, and drove every single day. In the past, every year we had to park the car up along the road and walk the rest of the way for a week or so because the driveway got too icy, but not this year.
So the last story of the flying bunny is a sad one. I took the dogs for a jog/walk. Cooper was loose and somehow managed to flush a bunny so that the rabbit came flying out of the bushes straight at me, elbow height. Saphira was on the 4 ft leash and was quicker than me and got to it first. By the time I growled at her enough and she let go, the bunny was still alive but probably with a broken neck or similar, and was not hopping away. So I let Cooper finish him off. Poor thing. Still with its white coat. I wish I would have caught him when he jumped at me. Oh well.
To end on a happy note, the kids helped me after dinner to do some water diversions in our driveway. Sunny day. Plenty of water coming down everywhere from the last of the snowmelt. Fun was had by all. Big and small.
To finish off, a picture from a couple weeks ago when we came back from California. Very nice aurora. We haven't seen much of it this winter.
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