Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The days are getting longer

Amazing. These days, we head to work and school. And it is light outside. And we come home. And it is light outside. The sunshine even makes it into / onto our house these days, starting sometime in early February. Pretty soon, we will forget how night looks like.

Going to work and daycare this morning: except when it's very cold and the truck doesn't want to start, we do take two cars. Can't believe we are a two car family. Oh well.

This afternoon it was still light when we got home. Emilie really wanted to hold the handkerchief.

A couple days ago, the sun was shining onto the kitchen counter directly around 6pm... (that tongue is out most days, not just because the sun shines on it)

which was much stronger than the first sunlight that I saw from the house this year: the sun was barely visible through the trees in early February.

And now, with all of that sunsine, I better go and plant some seeds! Just have to decide whether to overtake Martin's windowsill at work (a nice one that faces south), or whether to try to rig up some grow light at home...).

One more note: this winter, we barely saw any aurora at night. Even the poker flat all sky camera near Fairbanks shows hardly any auroral activity. One reason that the nights during the winter this year were less exciting than normal.

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