Last few turns before our house

Look! A hint of yellow - the "End" sign on the bottom of the pole visible near the center of the photo.

Today at creamer's field, where we went skijoring with the dogs. There are colored lights on that spruce tree, it looks like they don't really show up on this picture. Too bad.

We went there to Creamer's ten days ago when they were lighting the christmas tree, it was a wonderful thing to take the kids to. Even though, as Martin said, if Santa Claus has musical inclination and he was listening that night, he might skip Fairbanks :)
As usual, I love your blog! So, we are heading across the pond on Monday to Martin's homeland. Let us know if we can bring back anything special for you and ship it up to Fairbanks....of course, a 50 pound block of cheese or chocolate might not be practical. I have been meaning to post the pictures we took when you were in town. We got some really great ones of you and the kids!
A 50 lbs block of cheese is EXACTLY what I had in mind ...
that was martin
Schnee haben wir auch zu wenig, aber wir hoffen ihr hattet schöne Weihnachten. Liebe Grüsse Thomas und Regula
Beautiful !
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