This evening, Martin took the club airplane, N-five-three-seven-five-romeo for a quick spin by the mountains. Below are some pictures from his trip. I stayed home with the kids. Sonja would not have boarded the plane. Martin took instead Pierre, a swiss guy who was here working for Martin during the summer. Sonja was clinging to me while we stood watching Martin and Pierre get ready. Then I thought she might feel better in the car, so I sat in the drivers seat and had her on my lap. She seemed OK then, even when the motor started. Perhaps the sound was a bit more muffled in the car? Martin and Pierre had beautiful weather - not a cloud in the sky. They went over to Black Rapids glacier and back. I will have to work on a nicer writing style. Most of birch trees in town are leaf-less, while the cottonwoods still have their dark yellow leaves.
A woodpecker by our house.